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Leadership - Communication



We know that any vision of the future will necessitate change in one way or another.
This provides its own problems. In general people are not keen on change, they fear it.
From a personal view point this may often be bad, for example, job losses.


A good leader will realise that without change businesses and systems may well stagnate leading to detrimental effects for all. Change requires good communication to let people know the potential ramifications. Of course, most goals should have positive benefits for the majority otherwise ‘buy in’ will be poor.

Extolling these benefits is a key aspect in getting to the desired end point.

Key individuals

Remember, you are not trying to persuade (short term) you are trying to influence (long term).

You can only influence people, the very people that the vision will have an impact upon.
When you become a leader you may be leader in ‘name only’ others in the company or organisation may hold the immediate power to influence change. Until you acquire respect your ability to influence may be less than you would hope.

People tend to follow others that they see as having a higher level of leadership skills.
You can use this aspect by influencing ‘key individuals’ who already have a large following.

Identify these persons and meet with them on an individual basis. Present the benefits of your vision and be prepared for difficult questions. Once you have these people on board you will need to allow a little time for those persons to influence others. At this point you can then present the vision to all. You may be surprised at the high level of acceptance.


When you actually implement a plan make sure that you communicate progress well.
Designate particular milestones for reporting and always communicate success rapidly and enthusiastically.
People are much happier if they are kept in the loop and feel part of the vision.