We have spoken about creating the vision and communicating the vision. What we then need is for others to share the vision.
For people to do this and work towards it they must be motivated.
Without motivation [see The Complete Motivation package] the vision will falter and ultimately fail.
In general the vision will be created in one of two ways.
In the first case the task is then to communicate it to others and sell it.
In the second you are looking for agreement from all in the group.
Clearly, the second method is likely to gain wider acceptance earlier.
Try to visualise these goals both from an internal perspective and an external one in terms of, for example, customers and other third parties.
If you go it alone to generate the vision you will carrying out the above by yourself instead of with teams.
We have already said that the ‘mission statement’ is independent of time and defines the core values of the organisation.
The vision is time bound and will need changing in the future.
This variation basically asks where will the organisation have to be in the future in order to achieve the mission statement.
For example.
There are many others you can derive yourself with a view to challenging the mission statement.
Having recorded all of the comments it is a matter of transforming the information into a ‘story’ that links the present with the past and the future. People want to see how the vision will be achieved over time and a description of this sort is a good way to do it.
The aim is to provide a canvass to express the group’s (or your) sight of the future which others will be able to see equally well.
Check that others really understand what it really means.
Another approach is to suggest a given point in the future but not too far.
For example, 1, 2, 3 or 5 years.
You can then question the group about.
These questions, and others, should be asked as open questions. Those not giving a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response.
Try to delve as deeply as possible.
Again, produce a story of the vision compiled from a summary of all the comments.
Use phrases that begin with ‘describe’ or ‘tell me’ to get more flesh on the bones of a comment.
There are many ways that you can try to convince people with your vision method.
You could use.
The mechanism for getting the message to people is many and varied in this computer age.
Computer technology has opened up the possibility of professional presentations by anyone.
Other techniques.
Make sure you draw up a plan to sell your vision.