This is similar in approach to the SWOT analysis and represents the identification of Strengths.
Having got your list of ‘positive forces’ that will help drive you to your vision you want to do two key things.
In these two areas you need ideas and the Brain Storm is an excellent means of generating and assessing ideas.
You may consider.
Improvement could include identifying secondary actions that will have a positive knock-on effect on your strengths.
Once again get your list which could be derived from Threats of a SWOT analysis.
Don’t forget that a force against could be the failure to grasp opportunities that may present themselves.
As above, consider ways to.
There will be many internal items to consider but some of the severest impacts come from external concerns that may be easy to forget about.
All of these should be considered both now and in the future.
The way people consider an idea and how it is presented will vary depending on the person.
In broad terms there are the ‘left brain’ thinkers who are characterised by their logical and ordered approach and ‘right brain’ thinkers who are naturally more creative and respond to colour and shape and other visual cues.
The former are monochronic (convergent) thinkers and the latter are polychronic (divergent) thinkers.
These are covered in more detail in ‘The Complete Time management package’.
There is little point in carrying out analysis of this type if you don’t do anything positive with the results.
Any project requires ‘decision points.
These can be at strategic milestones, or at lower level areas.
The decision should be.